Bagi Anda yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah Balikpapan dan sekitarnya, kali ini ada info
Lowongan Kerja 2013 di
PT. Siloam International Hospitals. Perusahaan tersebut sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang berpengalaman dalam bidang
Asset Controler (Accounting Staff), persyaratan yang diajukan oleh pihak perusahaan diusahakan berpendidikan S1 Accounting. Untuk informasi selengkapnya bisa Anda baca langsung dibawah ini dengan detail.

PT. Siloam International Hospitals
We are the premier private hospital group. World Class Healthcare experience in Indonesia.
Benchmarked to international standard practices and catering to the different needs of our patients. We are committed to maintain the highest standard of service and employ people of the best caliber.
We invite you to join our team as we serve the nation as :
Asset Controler (Accounting Staff) - Balikpapan
Requirement :
- Male/Female
- S1 Accounting
- Fresh Graduate
- Able to work under pressure and tight deadline
- Having good analytical and problem solving skills
- Wiling to work in Balikpapan
- Great working environment and promising career path based on performance.
If you are ready to face the challenge,please send your application letter, CV and the latest photograph to :
Email :
Jl. MT. Haryono No. 09 Ring Road Balikpapan 76114 (Up. HR)
Please write the code of the position you are applying for
on the email subject or right top corner of your application envelope
Demikian info dari kami mengenai
LOWONGAN KERJA BALIKPAPAN 2013 semoga bisa membantu Anda dalam mencari kerja, sekian dan terima kasih SALAM SEJAHTERA SEMOGA SUKSES..!!
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