PT. Indo Kordsa, Tbk - Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Di Daerah / Wilayah Citereup (Jawa Barat) Juli 2013. Pada Postingan kali ini Lokersindo akan Update informasi Loker/Pekerjaan tentang Lowongan Kerja Citereup Bulan Juli 2013. Bursa Lowongan Pekerjaan, Loker Terbaru, Job Vacancy, Bisnis, Karir, Pekerjaan, Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bulan Ini 2013.
Nah untuk informasi selengkapnya di Lokersindo mengenai loker ini? Silahkan simak secara detail berikut ini :
Nama Perusahaan : PT. Indo Kordsa, Tbk
Deskripsi : INDO KORDSA is an important affiliates of KORDSA GLOBAL, The World Leader in Tire Cord Technology with more than 36 years experiences, Focusing in the development of Tire Supporting Technology, and have 12 Production Facilities in 9 countries (Indonesia, Thailand, USA, China, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Germany & Main Headquarters in Turkey - Mid Europe), in all 5 continents, seeking qualified candidates to occupy :
Technical Engineer (Code : TE)
Lokasi Kerja di : Citereup (Jawa Barat)
Maintain yarn production process, from polymerization to spinning area, so target production yield can be achieved.
Maintain product properties (yarn), so the specification can be fulfilled. For these two jobs, Technical Engineer should do several adjustments to the process setting, such as polymer temperature, polymer pressure, machine speed, etc, whenever it is needed.
Handle customer complaints. Technical Engineer should response complaints from customer, and find the root causes of the problems to prevent the re-occurrence.
Follow up all of the changes and modifications to the systems in producing yarn. All changes and modifications should be known and examined by Technical Engineer, because it may effect properties of the product and performance of the production process.
Requirements Lowongan Kerja Citereup Juli 2013:
Bachelor Degree, Chemical Engineering, from reputable university, Local or Abroad, GPA min. 2,75
Preferable fresh graduate / or experienced 1-2 years
Has excellent English skill, both oral and written
Send your application to :
(due date : July 30th 2013)
Website :
Tgl. Penutupan *Lowongan Kerja Citereup Juli 2013* 31 Juli 2013
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